This year, we commemorate the 55th anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act, the landmark civil rights law signed into law on April 11, 1968, that made discrimination in housing transactions unlawful. We will be participating in and hosting events throughout April to celebrate and spread awareness about fair housing.
Tik Tok Competition!
KFHC is happy to announce that we are launching a Tik Tok competition during Fair Housing Month!
You can enter this contest by making a Tik Tok video on the prompt, what does housing mean to you. Post this video before May 7th to Tik Tok, tag us, hashtag it #kyfairhousingcompetition, and you will be entered into the contest.
The winner will receive $500!
We will announce a winner by May 10th. Judging criteria is as follows:
The video is of good quality, properly edited, and presented with professionalism.
The video is impactful in its messaging. It is able to evoke emotion and/or curiosity to learn more about housing.
Storytelling and Creativity
The video uses creativity and storytelling methods to make engaging content and create a powerful and captivating story.
The video should use trends, popular sounds, and engaging visuals to engage the audience with the content.
It is assumed that each creator or participant has given their permission to KFHC the “right to reproduce, redact for personalization, archive and communicate their submission for education or promotional purposes.”
You must be over 18 years old to enter.
You must live in Kentucky to enter.

KFHC's Annual Free Fair Housing Training
The Kentucky Fair Housing Council, the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, and the Kentucky Housing Corporation are offering a free 2-hour webinar designed for housing providers and social service providers. We will be discussing general fair housing laws and answering any questions you might have. The training is designed for landlords, property managers, and service providers, but we welcome anyone who wants to learn about fair housing rights!
We will be offering certificates for those who attend. Attendees who wish to receive a certificate from this training will be required to complete an online survey after the training.
Date: April 12, 2022, 10AM - 12PM